Also Called Endodontic Treatment
A root canal treatment can save a badly infected or damaged tooth. A tooth may have become infected due to excessive decay, wear, periodontal disease, cracks, or injuries.
At F&N PITROS Dental Center we recognize the signs of reversible and irreversible pulp inflammation and we proceed accordingly. Root canal treatments are performed under the latest scientific protocols and in some cases, we may use a dental laser to disinfected the root canals before obturation. After the cleaning and disinfection of the canals, we proceed to restore the tooth morphology either with a dental filling or dental crowns.
Oral Health Consultation
Your smile matters to us, so your first oral health consultation at our clinic is completely free of charge.
Proper oral hygiene does not only prevent caries and periodontal disease but also affects our overall health.
Tooth Fillings
Dental fillings are used to repair a worn, decayed or damaged tooth. If not treated properly and in a timely manner, the problem can progress and can lead to more serious dental health issues.
Restorative Dentistry
We work passionately toward creating the most youthful smiles for patients whose natural teeth require replacement.